Why is Content Marketing SO important?

Content marketing is so underrated. It is a cost effective starting point that is key to any business. It does go hand in hand with part of SEO – making sure that the right keywords are implemented in to your website content to ensure that you are searchable on Google and other search engines, however there is so much more to content marketing then the added value of being part of SEO.

The content of your site plays a significant importance of how you speak to your audience and has to be inline with your branding as well as being consistent, clear and easily digestible. A great designed website would not be the same without good content.

A simple way to sum up Content Marketing – it joins the dots and creates meaningful impact by creating a ripple effect on to the rest of your digital marketing.

Why is Content Marketing SO important for your business?

  • Content Marketing Increases Brand Awareness
  • Content Marketing Builds Trust
  • Content Marketing Provides Information to Audiences
  • Content Marketing Increases Loyalty
  • Content Marketing Boosts Leads and Demand

At the heart of every single Digital Marketing Strategy is content..

Keeping your content up to date and relevant is a go to for all other digital marketing that can be incorporated in to your digital marketing strategy. Content from your site can be used for your blog, email marketing, social media, SEO and PPC ads. Using a content strategy as your starting point for a digital marketing strategy keeps branding consistent throughout your future marketing campaigns.

A study by DemandMetric revealed that content marketing costs about 62% less than traditional marketing tactics, and it generates about 3 times as many leads!
